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作词 : Taylor Swift
作曲 : Taylor Swift
And it\'\'s a sad picture, the final blow hits you
画面如此惨痛 致命一击最终将你所打倒
Somebody else gets what you wanted again
You know it\'\'s all the same, another time and place
即便身处不同时间地点 结果依旧如出一辙
Repeating history and you\'\'re getting sick of it
历史重复上演 早已令你心疲倦怠
But I believe in whatever you do
无论你怎样应对 我仍选择坚信于你
And I\'\'ll do anything to see it through
竭尽我所能 期盼身度艰险 望见希望曙光
Because these things will change, can you feel it now?
我坚信此景终会改变 你是否和我感同身受呢
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
旁人所设 阻挠你我前行的屏障 终会塌陷
It\'\'s a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win
涅槃重生的革新 你我胜利的时代即将到来
We\'\'ll sing hallelujah!
我们引吭高歌 哈利路亚
We\'\'ll sing hallelujah! Oh
我们放声高唱 哈利路亚
So we\'\'ve been outnumbered, raided and now cornered
你我曾寡不敌众 惨遭突袭 被逼至绝境
It\'\'s hard to fight when the fight ain\'\'t fair
这般天命不公的斗争 实在难以取胜
We\'\'re getting stronger now from things they never found
你我实力日渐强大 他人难以企及
They might be bigger but we\'\'re faster and never scared
或许他们身形魁梧 但我们行动迅猛 无所畏惧
You can walk away and say we don\'\'t need this
你大可不懈离场 认为无需如此
But there\'\'s something in your eyes says we can beat this
可眼眸中明灭闪烁的 仍是对胜利的渴望
\'\'Cause these things will change, can you feel it now?
我坚信此景终会改变 你是否和我感同身受呢
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down
旁人所设 阻挠你我前行的屏障 终会塌陷
It\'\'s a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win
涅槃重生的革新 你我胜利的时代即将到来
We\'\'ll sing hallelujah!
我们引吭高歌 哈利路亚
We\'\'ll sing hallelujah! Oh
我们放声高唱 哈利路亚
Tonight we standed on our knees
To fight for what we worked for all these years
为我们长期奋斗的愿望 而不懈拼搏
And the battle was long, it\'\'s the fight of our lives
Will we stand up champions tonight?
今夜 我们能否鼎立于胜者巅峰
It was the night things changed, can you see it now?
夜幕幻变 你是否能穿透云雾 看清前路
These walls that they put up to hold us back fell down
旁人所设 阻挠你我前行的屏障 终会塌陷
It\'\'s a revolution, throw your hands up, \'\'cause we never gave in
涅槃重生的革新 高举双手 永不言弃
We\'\'ll sing hallelujah!
我们引吭高歌 哈利路亚
We sang hallelujah!
我们放声高唱 哈利路亚
