歌词开始DarrenKorb-Hymn to Zagreus Sing 缪斯 Of Zagreus,oh muse 歌颂扎格列欧斯吧 Slayer of hydras 九头蛇的屠戮者 First of his name 他的第一个荣称 Born 宙斯之子 Of Zeus as a serpent 化为蛇身 In spite of Queen Hera 不顾赫拉阻拦 Zagreus came 扎格列欧斯降至神间 Torn 泰坦 To shreds by the Titans 将他撕成碎片 Devoured in pieces 吞咽其骨血 From his heart aflame 他的心脏得以保全 The seed 星火燃点 Of Dionysus grew 酒神从中踏歌而来 The God of wine and feast anew 纵情狂欢 To live 长居 At home on Olympus 奥林匹斯神山 Never presuming 忘却前世恩仇情爱 His origins true 美酒筵席永存凡间 Wrath 雷霆震怒 Of thunder and lightning 闪电不息 Struck down the Titans 泰坦陨落 Burned into sand 焚至齑粉 Up 从 From out of the ashes 一世灰烬 Born of the Titans 之中孕育 The mortals did stand 有死凡人 To live 复生 The model of the gods 摹仿神躯 At once divine and further flawed 一半凡俗 In twain 一半神恩 The blood of immortals 扎格列欧斯不朽的神血 Of Zagreus ending 流入有死的凡人心间 It flows in their veins 从此遍寻不及他踪迹 The prince 地底的储君 Under the mortal ring 红血的束缚 Prisoner to his king 冥王的囚徒 Never to leave 永无出路 Steadfast 虽坚定不移 Endlessly toiling 奔忙劳碌 Doomed to remain 注定滞步 Endlessly toiling 奔忙劳碌 Doomed to remain 注定滞步歌词结束(DJ嗨嗨网)