歌词开始满堂红 (新乐府版) - 新乐府 演奏:陈力宝 Artist:Chen Libao 曲:民间音乐 Composer:Folk Music 编曲:周侠 Arranger:ZHOU Xia 键盘:周侠 Keyboard:ZHOU Xia 鼓:葛维彬 Drums:GE Weibin 打击乐:吴昊 Percussion:WU Hao 出品人:卢中强 Produced by:Lu Zhongqiang 总策划:Nola Promoter:Nola 制作人:周侠 Producer:ZHOU Xia 监制:卢中强 Supervisor:LU Zhongqiang 录音师:李林枫@CMH Studio/张瑞卯@CMH Studio Recording Engineer:Li Linfeng@CMH Studio/Zhang Ruimao@CMH Studio 混音及母带:吴超雄@CMH Studio Mixing & Mastering Engineer:Wu Chaoxiong@CMH Studio 录音棚:新乐府录音棚(北京) Recording Studio:CMH Studio(Beijing) 文案:吴秋硕 Copywriting:Sol Wu 视觉设计:赵畅@13MDS Art Work:Zhao Chang@13MDS 出品:新乐府 Production:CMH China Music House 版权提供:十三月文化 版权所有 翻版必究 (C)十三月文化 13-Month C&C All rights of the production of the owner and of the work reproduced reserved. Any unauthorized copying, hiring, lending, public performance, broadcasting and transmission of the recording is strictly prohibited.歌词结束(DJ嗨嗨网)