歌词开始Sunlight (《镜双城》动画番剧片尾曲) - 王晰 词 Lyricist:王晓倩/申名利 曲 Composer:杨秉音 编曲 Arranger:杨秉音/林峰 吉他 Guitar:李牧野 鼓 Drum:王斌 监唱Vocal Producer:刘牧 录音 Recording Engineer:孟凡雨 混音 Mixing Engineer:李牧野 母带处理 Mastering Engineer:全相彦(韩国) 制作人 Producer:杨秉音 制作公司 Producing Company:秉音创声 出品:腾讯影业/腾讯音乐娱乐(制作家) 当天边绽露出微光 散落在海中 随波光漂荡 那一片蔚蓝的尽头 有浮云长风 像自由的梦 回忆涌起 掠过 昨天渐去 留下我 Farewell my past I have nothing to lose There\'s no doubt at last Farewell my love There is nothing to fear The memory\'s in my heart Farewell my tears There is nothing to hide No one to fall back on Farewell my friend You can ease my mind You\'ll always be by my side 日光照耀过的一切 有温柔吟唱 有阴影交错 天地间生长和流转 你是否相信 美好的绵延 心中拂过 温暖 就算只身 也勇敢 Farewell my past I have nothing to lose There\'s no doubt at last Farewell my love There is nothing to fear The memory\'s in my heart Farewell my tears There is nothing to hide No one to fall back on Farewell my friend You can ease my mind You\'ll always be by my side Farewell my tears There is nothing to hide No one to fall back on Farewell my friend You can ease my mind You\'ll always be by my side You can ease my mind You\'ll always stay by my side歌词结束(DJ嗨嗨网)