歌词开始傀儡 (Live) - BY2/马伯骞 词:MIKO孙涵/YUMI孙雨/马伯骞/李泽珑 到底要卑微到什么境地才肯清醒 又要耗掉多少回忆才肯放手 I know you wanna win I know you wanna win 摧毁我吧 放过我吧 当笑容褪去 可有人问你累不累 给自己竖起的高墙何时能卸下防备 耗尽热情的谁 谁终于又被谁摧毁 在这城市里下坠 一语成谶 一触即溃 适得其反的执着 浪费 想知道自己在演谁 不想再做迎合的傀儡 别刻意捍卫 骄傲会负累 本就没有感同身受 凭什么无所谓 大起大落形成自然规律 规律形成不可抗的危局 处在危局眼下全是悲剧 悲剧成片眼前只见一片废墟 懂得自尊放下 我懂得沉淀别再装瞎 我懂得包扎过的伤口也会留下伤疤 懂得别把自己太当回事认清当下 过了三年 你名字仍环绕在耳边 你写的剧本千回百转 把最爱你的人 推到悬崖替你替你挡枪 你胜负欲占据整个胸腔 为了名利的快感 我赔上眼泪 逃出你的魔掌 烧毁谎言 烧毁过往 Puppets by choice While we making that noise Man It\'s not life controlling you My sisters but you chose to control Yourself in chain of events of pitiful void BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do 不会再被是非击溃 真实是难言的可贵 我本一无所有 只是从头 所以无畏 BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do One more time Say BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do BY2 coming with the typhoon what you going do歌词结束(DJ嗨嗨网)