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《Lovers’Concerto》,中文名是《恋人协奏曲》,改编自巴赫一首G大调小步舞曲,这首载于巴赫的太太安娜·玛德莱娜(Anna Magdelena Bach)练习弹琴用的笔记本,编号BWV Anh 114。现已考证出,它其实不是巴赫的作品,而是同时代另一位作曲家Christian Petzold(克里斯蒂安·佩措尔德)的作品。这首作品典雅、优美、动听,作为钢琴学习者的入门练习曲而广为人知。1965年,美国一个女声合唱组合"The Toys"的女声合唱团,将其改编并填词,命名为 “A Lover Concerto”, 结果大受欢迎,成为当年排行榜的耀眼明珠。

小步舞曲是一种宫廷舞,三拍子,风格优雅。Toys的改编很与众不同,三拍子改为四拍子,使旋律更为突出曲调变得优美,抒情化,改编作品很快风靡,有很多歌手翻唱,并有各种再改编器乐版问世,比较有名的是上世纪80年代,激光音乐碟刚刚流行时,Denver Music Inc.出版的系列轻音乐CD,其中最重要的作品之一就是这首《Lover's Concerto》;香港歌手陈慧琳也有翻唱。

How gentle is the rain

that falls softly on the meadow

Birds high up on the trees

serenade the clouds with their melodies


How gentle is the rain

that falls softly on the meadow

Birds high up on the trees

serenade the clouds with their melodies


See there beyond the hill

the bright colors of the rainbow

some magic from above

Made this day for us

just to fall in love

You'll hold me in your arms

and say once again you'll love me

And that your love is true

everything will be just as wonderful


I belong to you

from this day until forever

Just love me tenderly

and I'll give to you every part of me


Don't ever make me cry

through long lonely nights without us

Be always true to me

Keep this day in your heart eternally

You hoid me in your arms

and say once again you love me

And that your love is true

everything will be just as wonderful
