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《2infinity And Beyond》林俊杰与日本潮牌教父Nigo合作的“Time Machine 时光机”主题曲,由Kyler England作词,林俊杰包揽作曲、编曲和制作,于2016年9月15日正式发行。单曲的视觉设计由Nigo亲自操刀,他以80年代主流电影海报的设计风格为基础,加上强烈的撞色对比,赋予歌曲充满生命力的面貌。

80年代的流行音乐自成一格,是Disco、New Wave、Punk的全盛时期,许多歌曲至今仍是经典之作。出生于80年代的林俊杰听着这些歌曲长大,深受影响,此次特别邀请日本潮牌教父Nigo参与“Time Machine 时光机”的联名项目,以80年代为背景,力求重现那个年代的辉煌氛围。林俊杰以80年代的编曲风格为歌曲《2infinity And Beyond》披上新衣,力求带给听众最原汁原味的当代曲风。

I've been going in circles

With no direction

Round and round I am spinning

Just when I think I'm moving forward

I discover

That I'm back at the beginning

But morning comes I see the sun rise

And it reminds me

Every day is a new day

And if it takes a million more tries

I'll never give up

I know I will find a way

Though it's hard to see

But the power is inside of me

If we dare to dream

I know we can do anything hey hey

Love is all we need

Together we'll fly


To infinity and beyond

If we only believe

We can reach the sky


To infinity and beyond

Oh oh oh

To infinity and beyond

Oh oh oh

To infinity and beyond

I've been going in circles

With no direction

Round and round I am spinning

Just when I think I'm moving forward

I discover

That I'm back at the beginning

But morning comes I see the sun rise

And it reminds me

Every day is a new day

And if it takes a million more tries

I'll never give up

I know I will find a way

Though it's hard to see

But the power is inside of me

If we dare to dream

I know we can do anything hey hey

Love is all we need

Together we'll fly


To infinity and beyond

If we only believe

We can reach the sky


To infinity and beyond

Oh oh oh

To infinity and beyond

Oh oh oh

To infinity and beyond

Love is all we need

Together we'll fly

To infinity and beyond

If we only believe

We can reach the sky

To infinity and beyond
