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Eyes On Me被收录在席琳迪翁2008年发行的合辑My Love: Ultimate Essential Collection中。此曲节奏明快,旋律轻盈而富有动感,具有浓郁的中东风味,是席琳迪翁作品中为数不多的“劲歌”之一。
1999年在《重庆森林》成功抢滩日本市场后,史克威尔看中了王菲的歌喉,邀请她演唱《FINAL FANTASY 8》的主题曲《Eyes on Me》。也正是这首歌,让王菲同时在香港和日本大放光彩。这是王菲首张个人中日合作的游戏单曲,ep推出后,在日本市场蝉联了八个星期之久。

歌曲的含义需要追溯到游戏的情节中,在游戏里有段情节是关于男主角父亲拉格那雷法尔的, 他经常去一家酒吧坐在角落里,听一个女钢琴手的演奏。但是后来由于战乱原因两个人没有走到一起,而其各自的子女就成了游戏中的男主角和女主角。《Eyes on Me》按照游戏里应该理解成“注视着我的你”,但她后来再也没有看到过注视她的眼神的出现,所以就谱写了这首《Eyes on Me》。

Eyes on Me(凝视着我) [アイズ オン ミー]

Words:Kako Someya(作词:染谷和美)

Music:Nobuo Uematsu(作曲:植松伸夫)

Whenever sang my songs (每当我唱起这首歌) [ステージで歌うとき]

On the stage,on my own (独自站在这舞台上) [私はいつも独りきり]

Whenever said my words (每当我倾诉这心声) [言叶が心に届くように]

Wishing they would be heard (多么希望有人在倾听) [そっと愿ってた]

I saw you smiling at me (我看见你在向我微笑) [あなたが微笑んでいたのは]

Was it real or just my fantasy? (这是真的吗,或者只是我的幻觉?) [现実?それとも気のせい?]

You‘d always be there in the corner (你总是待在那个角落) [あなたはいつも见つめてた]

Of this tiny little bar (就在这个小酒吧里) [小さなこのパーの片隅で]

My last night here for you (为你在这最后一个晚上) [この最後の夜に赠るわ]

Same old songs,just once more (再唱一遍这首老歌) [いつもの歌を もう一度]

My last night here with you? (这是与你共处的最后一晚吗?) [これはあなたとの最後の夜?]

Maybe yes,maybe no (也许是,也许不是) [かもしれないし ちがうかも]

I kind of liked it your way (我有些喜欢你的样子) [なんとなく好きだったの]

How you shyly placed your eyes on me (就那么腼腆地凝视着我)[耻ずかしそうに私を见るあなたの目]

Did you ever know (你可曾知道) [ねえ 気づいていたかしら?]

That I had mine on you (我也同样在注视着你呢) [私もあなたを见つめていたこと]

Darling,so there you are (亲爱的,你就在那儿) [あなたはいつものように]

With that look on your face (你脸上的那种表情) [表情ひとつ変えない]

As if you‘re never hurt (好像你从来不会受伤) [伤ついたこともなく]

As if you‘re never down (好像你永远不会倒下) [落ち込むことさえないかのように]

Shall I be the one for you (你要不要我对你) [いっそ あなたのこと]

Who pinches you softly but sure (温柔而坚定地拧你一下呢) [优しくてしっかりとつねってみましょうか]

If frown is shown then (如果你因此而皱眉了) [しかめっ面をしたなら]

I will know that you are no dreamer (我就知道你不是在做梦) [あなたが梦见ていないとわかるから]

So let me come to you (所以让我靠近你吧) [だからあなたのところにいかせて]

Close as I wanted to be (靠近到我想要的那样) [私が望んだほど近くに]

Close enough for me (靠近到足够让我) [十分に近くに]

To feel your heart beating fast (能听到你嘭然的心跳) [あなたのときめきを感じられるくらい]

And stay there as I whisper (让我依偎在那儿对你轻声诉说) [私はそこで嗫く]

How I loved your peaceful eyes on me (多么喜欢你就这样静静的凝视我的眼睛)


Did you ever know (你可曾知道) [ねえ 気づいていたかしら?]

That I had mine on you (我也同样在注视着你呢) [私もあなたを见つめていたこと]

Darling,so share with me (亲爱的,和我一起分享吧) [ねえ 私に分けてよ]

Your love if you have enough (如果你的爱很深很深) [あまるほどの爱があるなら]

Your tears if you‘re holding back (在你强忍住眼泪) [涙をこらえていたり]

Or pain if that‘s what it is (或是痛苦或是别的什么) [伤ついているなら それでもいい]

How can I let you know (怎样才能让你知道) [どうしたらわかってもらえるの]

I‘m more than the dress and the voice (我不只是有这样的容貌和声音)


Just reach me out then (只要向我伸出手) [手を伸ばしてくれるだけでいい]

You will know that you‘re not dreaming (你就会知道你不是在做梦) [梦じゃないって きっとわかる]



I know that once in love, you don\'t think of the devil who\'s inside


And maybe it will come one day, when you\'ll feel safe and I won\'t have the time


You hear what you wanna hear. Blink once I could disappear


Some rules to the game will make it right for both of us


So just say what you wanna say, I\'ve got it to give away


We both want to make it last so keep your eyes on me


Your eyes on me


It\'s not an illusion that you\'re the one and I have fallen deep


I said it from the start when we\'re apart you must only think of me


* Temptation is all around, take good care of what you\'ve found


That\'s why when I turn around you better keep


You better keep your eyes on me, no matter what you think I need


No matter what you once believed if you\'re mine


So you better say yeah ---


(Chorus: No matter what you think of me, no it doesn\'t really matter what you once believed)


Say yeah --- (I wanna be the air you breath yeah you better be everything you said you\'d be)

说“是的” (我愿成为你的气息,你最好兑现你的承诺)

So you better say yeah! ( I wanna be your only one) or we can\'t go on

所以请你说“是的!” (我想成为你的唯一)否则我们就该结束了

No matter what you think I need you better keep your eyes on me ---


(rit.) You say that you want me.


Open up your heart, even if it\'s hard


Say that you need me.


Better let \'em know, baby don\'t put on a show ---


(You say) that you need me.


Tell \'em how you feel, let \'em know its real ---


(And) If you love me


never turn your back, gonna keep my eyes on that (encore at *)


your eyes on me...

