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When the thorn bush turns white that\'s when I\'ll come home
当荆棘丛变白 那就是我回家的时候
我要出去看看 看我能播种什么
I am going out to see what I can sow
我要出去看看 看我能播种什么
我要出去看看 看我能播种什么
And I don\'t know where I\'ll go and I don\'t know what I\'ll see
我不知道何去何从 我也不知道我会看见什么
But I\'ll try not to bring it back home with me
Like the morning sun your eyes will follow me
如同早晨的太阳 你的目光会跟随着我
As you watch me wander, curse the powers that be
\'Cause all I want is here and now but it\'s already been and gone
因为所有我要的此刻都在这里 然而这些来过之后 而今已消散离去
Our intentions always last that bit too long
Far far away, no voices sounding
非常非常的遥远 没有任何的声音
No one around me and you\'re still there
我身边无一人 你仍然在那里
Far far away, no choices passing
No time confounds me and you\'re still there
In the full moons light I listen to the stream
在满月的月光下 我倾听着溪流
And in between the silence hear you calling me
一片静寂之间 我听见你在呼喊我
But I don\'t know where I am and I don\'t trust who I\'ve been
然而我不知道我在哪里 也不相信和我在一起的人
如果我回家的话 我又如何离开
But if I come home how will I ever leave?
如果我回家的话 我又如何离开
