歌词开始S-U-M-M-E-R time 怎么还能没精打采 Girl别站在原地发呆 享受现在的party time 一起摇摆带上你的闺蜜 Drop the beat让你见识我的威力 我的舞蹈让他们找不到规律 Sorry everybody 我的规矩才是规矩 不论是野狼还是恰恰 有我在气氛不会尬尬 让我做你的icon都跟我一起拍手 如果想和我battle我根本不会怕 我才不会管你什么厂牌 都在我面前少来 我一个人就够了喝翻你们这群小孩 再把你们全部丢到舞池里来 一个两个三个四个给我站成一排 乐动一夏 快出发 燃起 爱的火把 我心里的花 送给 钟意的她 尽情的摇摆 我已 无法自拔 加入我们吧 Turn it up turn it up Come on dance with me dance with me Come and dance with me tonight Come on rock with me rock with me Come and rock with me tonight Come on dance with me dance with me Come and dance with me tonight Come on rock with me rock with me Come and rock with me tonight 我的热情就像空气中的热浪 玩的开心就应该像我这样 释放隐藏你身体里的热量 让你开心的办法各式各样 拿着冰啤酒不要低头走 因为年轻才能乘风破浪 跟着dj把烦恼都踢飞 Come on everybody别再装模作样 美丽的童话 童话 把心都融化 融化 向派对出发 出发 在这梦幻一夏 走啊 走啊 向泳池冲啊 冲啊 并不是一场梦啊 激情一触即发 乐动一夏 快出发 燃起 爱的火把 我心里的花 送给 钟意的她 尽情的摇摆 我已 无法自拔 加入我们吧 Turn it up turn it up Come on dance with me dance with me Come and dance with me tonight Come on rock with me rock with me Come and rock with me tonight Come on dance with me dance with me Come and dance with me tonight Come on rock with me rock with me Come and rock with me tonight歌词结束(DJ嗨嗨网)