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I\'ve been to all the parties and it wasn\'t there
我去过了所有的派对 亦未将其寻得
I followed where my heart leads, it wasn\'t there
我跟随着我心之指引 亦未见其踪影
Screamed at the top of my lungs and no one cared
用尽全力的呼喊 却无人在意回应
Oh, oh, oh
I\'ve searched up on the mountaintops, it wasn\'t there
在那山之巅处遍寻 也未见其踪影
I drove a Maserati, no fulfillment there
开上了玛莎拉蒂 却亦是空洞难平
I\'ve run around the whole damn world to get back here
我踏遍整个世界 却只为回到原地
Oh, oh, oh
Now let me feel high when I\'m sober
当我清醒之时 请让我将至欢尝尽
Let me feel young when I\'m older
当我慢慢老去 请让我再体会青春气息
Let me feel proud when it\'s over
当一切落幕 请让我将骄傲存于心
I finally realized, all of this time
It was in me
All along, it was in me
一路以来 它一直都在我心里
I took the time to listen and I found it here (Ahh)
我花时间耐心倾听 终于寻得其踪迹
I stopped to see the vision and it was clear (Ahh)
我停下来着眼远景 终于见其清晰
Everyone\'s got an opinion but I don\'t care
Oh, oh, oh
Now let me feel high when I\'m sober
当我清醒之时 请让我将至欢尝尽
Let me feel young when I\'m older
当我慢慢老去 请让我再体会青春气息
Let me feel proud when it\'s over
当一切落幕 请让我将骄傲存于心
I finally realized, all of this time
It was in me
All along, it was in me
一路以来 它一直都在我心里
Oh, and I
All I needed was a little faith in my life
All I needed was a little trust in myself
All I needed was to find the truth in my heart
Ah, ah, ah
So let me feel high when I\'m sober
当我清醒之时 请让我将至欢尝尽
Let me feel young when I\'m older
当我慢慢老去 请让我再体会青春气息
Let me feel proud when it\'s over
当一切落幕 请让我将骄傲存于心
Yeah, it was in me (Let me feel high when I\'m sober)
It was in me (Let me feel young when I\'m older)
它一直都在我心里(当我慢慢老去 请让我再体会青春气息)
Let me feel proud when it\'s over
当一切落幕 请让我将骄傲存于心
I finally realized, all of this time
It was in me
一路以来 它一直都在我心里
All along, it was in me
