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《Feels》是由苏格兰DJ音乐制作人加尔文·哈里斯制作的一首歌曲,歌曲的歌词、曲谱由加尔文·哈里斯、法瑞尔·威廉姆斯、凯蒂·佩里、Starrah、大肖恩五人合作编写 。该歌曲作为推广专辑的第四支单曲,被收录在加尔文·哈里斯的第五张录音室专辑《Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 1》中,于2017年6月16日通过索尼音乐娱乐公司发行

Well nothing ever last forever, no  我知道没有什么能够永久  One minute you're here  前一分钟你或许还在这  And the next you're gone  下一分钟或许就不见了  So I respect you, wanna take it slow  所以我可以让你慢慢来  I need a mental receipt  我需要一个心理确认  To know this moment I owe  让我去感知这一切的证明

  Do you mind if I steal a kiss  如果我偷偷一吻你是否会介意  A little souvenir, can I steal it from you?  我能否偷走你的吻 留作纪念几许  To memorize the way you shock me  铭刻你让我惊艳到的那些记忆  The way you move it here  就按你此刻这样的方式  Just wanna steal it from you  我只想感受你的吻  Don't be afraid to catch feels  别怕去捕捉那些感觉  Ride drop top and chase thrills  小小雨滴亦能塑造心跳刺激  I know you ain't afraid about this  我知道你不会对其有所恐惧  Baby I know you ain't scared to catch feels  我知道你不会害怕去抓住那感觉  Feels with me  和我一起的感觉  I'm your window shopper  单一窗口的窗口购物者  Sucker for your ove  就算在小说中都逊毙了  I'm wearing your goggles  就脱下你的护目眼镜  Virtual reality  虚拟现实身临其境  It ain't what it cost you  那不会要你付出多少  It might be a dollar  也许就一美元  As long as it shocks you  只要能让你经验  Memory, electricity  铭刻如记忆 惊艳如触电  Do you mind if I steal a kiss  如果我偷偷一吻你是否会介意  A little souvenir, can I steal it from you? (oh yeah)  我能否偷走你的吻 留作纪念几许  To memorize the way you shock me  铭刻你让我惊艳到的那些记忆  The way you move it here  就按你此刻这样的方式  Just wanna steal it from you  我只想感受你的吻  Don't be afraid to catch feels  别怕去捕捉那些感觉  Ride drop top and chase thrills  小小雨滴亦能塑造心跳刺激  I know you ain't afraid about this  我知道你不会对其有所恐惧  Baby I know you ain't scared to catch feels  我知道你不会害怕去抓住那感觉  Feels with me  和我一起的感觉  Godamn I know you love to make an entrance  老天 我知道你爱讲派头  Do you like getting paid or getting paid attention  你可喜欢获得注意同时又获得报酬?  You mixed the wrong guys with the right intentions  你把对的心意交给了错的人  In the same bed, but it still for long distance  同一张床 却仍距离横生  She's looking for a little more consistency  她正在寻求更多的认可  But when you stop looking you gon' find whats meant to be  若你能停止观望你或许会发现那意味着什么  And honestly I'm way too done with the hoe's  老实说我已经受够那马子了  I cut off all my exes for your x's and o's  为了你的那些认同与否我已跟我的前任们断干净了  I feel my old flings, was just preparing me  我感觉我那些风流旧事 只是我自己的罢了  When I say I want you, say it back Parakeet  当我说我想咬你 我的长尾鹦鹉也会跟我学舌  Fly in first-class through the air, Airbnb  坐头等舱的航班飞行 住"爱彼迎"的旅馆  I was the best you had  我是你所拥有过的最佳伴侣  You just be comparing me to me  你只需拿我和我自己相比  Imma @ this at you  我要在说完这些后艾特下你  If I put you on my phone, and upload it  若我和你电联 并把相关信息上传  It'll get maximum views  那一定会是头条中的头条  I came in through with the clutch  我脚踩离合一路到底  With the lipsticks and phones  带着口红和手机  Wear your favorite cologne  喷上你最爱的古龙香水  Just to get you alone  只为和你独处  Don't be afraid to catch feels (don't be afraid to catch these feels)  别怕去捕捉那些感觉  Ride drop top and chase thrills  小小雨滴亦能塑造心跳刺激  I know you ain't afraid about this  我知道你不会对其有所恐惧  Baby I know you ain't scared to catch feels  我知道你不会害怕去抓住那感觉  Feels with me  和我一起的感觉  Don't be afraid to catch feels  别怕去捕捉那些感觉  Don't be afraid baby  亲爱的别害怕也别畏惧  Ride drop top and chase thrills  小小雨滴亦能塑造心跳刺激  I know you ain't afraid about this  我知道你不会对其有所恐惧  I know, I know, I know, I know  我知道 我知道 我都知道  Baby I know you ain't scared to catch feels  我知道你不会害怕去抓住那感觉  Feels with me  和我一起的感觉
