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五届葛莱美音乐奖的得主 英,法双语天后Celine Dion,其过去三年来便已在美国一地创下2千5百万张的销售纪录,而她过去乐坛10年的全球专辑总销量,更已超过1亿张,除了成为全球最畅销的艺人外,更已在乐迷心中奠定难以取代的"最佳情歌代言人"地位.然而,令全世界乐迷感到惋惜不已的是,一直渴望兼顾家庭生活的Celine 却在她最当红之际,宣布当她于1999年12月31日完成在加拿大蒙特利尔举行的个人跨世纪演唱会后,便会暂时告别歌坛,并以此精选辑作为她暂别乐坛前的超级献礼,为其乐坛生涯划上漂亮的休止符!

I want to be the face you see when you close your eyes

I want to be the touch you need every single night

I want to be your fantasy

And be your reality

And everything between

I want you to need me

Like the air you breathe

I want you to feel me

In everything

I want you to see me

In your every dream

The way that I taste you feel you breathe you need you

I want you to need me

Like I need you

I want to be the eyes that look deep into your soul

I want to be the world to you

I just want it all

I want to be your deepest kiss

The answer to your every wish

Im all you ever need


More than you could know

And I need you

To never never let me go

And I need to be deep inside your heart

I just want to be everywhere you are....

I want to be the face you see when you close your eyes

I want to be the touch you need every single night

I want to be your fantasy

And be your reality

And everything between
