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老鹰乐队应该说是天才中的天才,七十年代红极一时,他们快歌够劲,劲到爆炸,慢歌够抒情,听极不厌,演出乐器功力深厚,而且节奏感强烈。说它是美国最伟大的摇滚乐团,一点也不为过。他们的录音注重声音质素,其中一曲脍炙人口的《HOTEL California》(《加州酒店》)更是经典中的经典,歌声的质感,吉它的音色,鼓声的沉重力感,加上千万人呼叫的现场感,令此曲成为历来最能考验音场、音色、高低频伸延度与动态冲击力的现场录音。

There's a cloud of fear and sorrow

There's a hole in the world tonight

Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow

They say that anger is just love disappointed

They say that love is just a state of mind.

But all this fighting over who is anointed,

Oh, how can people be so blind?

There's a hole in the world tonight

There's a cloud of fear and sorrow

There's a hole in the world tonight

Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow

Oh, they tell me there's a place over yonder

Cool water running through the burning sand

Until we learn to love one another,

We will never reach the Promised Land

There's a hole in the world tonight,

There's a cloud of fear and sorrow

There's a hole in the world tonight

Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow

(There's a hole in the world tonight)

They say that anger is just love disappointed

(There's a cloud of fear and sorrow)

They say that love is just a state of mind

(There's a hole in the world tonight)

But all this fighting over who will be anointed

(Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow)

Oh, how can people be so blind?

There's a hole in the world tonight

(Hole in the world)

There's a cloud of fear and sorrow

(Fear and sorrow)

There's a hole in the world tonight


Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow

There's a hole in the world tonight

(Hole in the world)

There's a cloud of fear and sorrow

(cloud and sorrow)

There's a hole in the world tonight

Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow

There's a hole in the world tonight

There's a cloud of fear and sorrow

(cloud and sorrow)

There's a hole in the world tonight

Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow

There's a hole in the world tonight

There's a cloud of fear and sorrow

There's a hole in the world tonight

Don't let there be a hole in the world tomorrow
