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One of These Nights

City girls just seem to find out early 都市美媚似乎早早懂得

How to open doors with just a smile 何以用一个微笑讨得男人欢心

A rich old man 对于有钱的老头

And she won't have to worry 她不必担心搞不定

She'll dress up all in lace 只要身穿一身蕾丝

and go in style 打扮的入时(就可以了)

Late at night a big old house gets lonely 夜晚的老宅悄无声息

I guess every form of refuge has its price 我想那老头定已为她的每声“哦不”付了钱

And it breaks her heart to think her love is only 只是想到把自己的爱给了这样一个老头就让她心碎

given to a man with hands as cold as ice 尤其当他苍白冷冰的手抚过她身

So she tells him she must go out for the evening 所以她告诉他睡前她要离开一小会

To comfort an old friend who's feelin' down 去陪一位难过的老朋友谈心

But he knows where she's going as she's leaving 可那聪明的老男人又何尝不知道

She is headed for the cheating side of town 她去城市那边做的事

You can't hide your lyin' eyes 姑娘,你掩饰不住你说谎的眼睛

And your smile is a thin disguise 你的微笑还带着一点小小虚伪

I thought by now you'd realize 我想你现在已经明白

There ain't no way to hide your lying eyes 你终究掩饰不住你说谎的眼睛

On the other side of town a boy is waiting 城市的另一边一个男孩在等待

with fiery eyes and dreams no one could steal 眼睛里燃烧着熊熊爱的火焰

She drives on through the nice anticipating 美妙的感觉和她期待的一样

'Cause he makes her feel the way she used to feel 就像以前的每一次

She rushes to his arms 她扑到他的怀里

They fall together 他们拥抱在一起

She whispers that it's only for a while 她悄悄告诉他她只离开一小会

She swears that soon she'll be comin' back forever 她发誓明天便和他永远在一起

She pulls away and leaves him with a smile 她脱开身,留给他一个微笑

You can't hid your lyin' eyes 姑娘,你掩饰不住你说谎的眼睛

And your smile is a thin disguise 你的微笑还带着一点小小虚伪

I thought by now you'd realize 我想你现在已经明白

There ain't now way to hide you lyin' eyes 你终究掩饰不住你说谎的眼睛

She gets up and pours herself a strong one 她打扮起来,给自己灌了杯烈酒

And stares out at the stars up in the sky 望着窗外的繁星

Another night, it's gonna be a long one 下面她要想办法捱过这长长的夜晚

She draws the shade and hangs her head to cry 她拉上窗帘,忍不住埋头低声哭泣

She wonders how it ever got this crazy 她不知道事情怎么会变成这样

She thinks about a boy she knew in school 她想到了她在学校认识的那个男孩

Did she get tired or did she just get lazy? 她是觉得生活无趣还是只是缺钱?

She's so far gone she feels just like a fool 她觉得自己简直像傻瓜一样

My, oh my, you sure know how to arrange things 哦,宝贝,你确实懂得怎么卖弄心计

You set it up so well, so carefully 做的那么巧妙,那么小心

Ain't it funny how your new life didn't change things 可笑的是你没能因此变得开心

You're still the same old girl you used to be 还不是和以前一样无知乏味

You can't hide your lyin eyes 姑娘,你掩饰不住你说谎的眼睛

And your smile is a thin disguise 你的微笑还带着一点小小虚伪

I thought by now you'd realize 我想你现在已经明白

There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes 你终究掩饰不住你说谎的眼睛

There ain't no way to hide your lyin' eyes 你终究掩饰不住你说谎的眼睛

Honey, you can't hide your lyin' eyes 宝贝,你掩饰不住你说谎的眼睛
