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1979年推出的第六张专辑《漫长的逃亡》(The Long Run)成为乐队的最后一张(真正意义上称得上是专辑的)专辑。1978年3月Eagles着手下张专辑,它原本规划为两张一套的唱片,所以收歌、录制工作更加繁复。终于经过长达18个月的工作期、歌迷也苦等3年之后,「The Long Run」在1979年推出了而且是单张唱片,"Heartache Tonight"、"The Long un"是其中畅销曲,不过最受乐迷喜爱的却首推由新任贝斯手Schmit以细腻高音所主唱的抒情曲"I Can′t Tell You Why"。

  虽然由于乐迷的捧场使她远超出白金的销量,但不可否认,乐队的颠峰状态已经过去,专辑的整体水平有所下降。不过值得指出的是,该专辑的一首抒情歌"I Can′t Tell You Why"是由一位新人提摩西.苏密特与格伦.弗雷合作演唱的。

Out in the shiny night the rain was softly falling

The tracks that ran down the boulevard had

All been washed away

Out of the silver light the past came softly calling

And i remember the times we spent

Inside the sad cafe

Oh it seemed like a holy place

Protected by amazing grace

And we would sing right out loud the

Things we could not say

We thought we could change this world

With words like "love" and "freedom"

We were part of the lonely crowd

Inside the sad cafe

Oh expecting to fly

We would meet on that shore in the sweet by and by

Some of their dreams came true

Some just passed away

And some of the stayed behind

Inside the sad cafe

The clouds rolled in and hid that shore

Now that glory train it don't stop here no more

Now i look at the years gone by

And wonder at the powers that be

I don't know why fortune smiles on some

And let's the rest go free

Maybe the time has drawn the faces i recall

But things in this life change very slowly

If they ever change at all

There's no use in asking why

It just turned out that way

So meet me at midnight baby

Inside the sad cafe

Why don't you meet me at midnight baby

Inside the sad cafe
