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狭义兔子舞是指一种广场的集体舞蹈,在跳舞时播放《Penguins‘ game》作为背景音乐,然后大家前后用手扶着彼此,步调一致地跳舞。
广义兔子舞指的是包括《Penguins‘ game》的20世纪末最热门的迪厅舞曲精选专辑,目前市面上大多数为盗版,比较为大家所认可的正统专辑有AVEX-TRAX的BEST系列舞曲(如《BEST 99》),以及VMP出版的部分作品。

这首歌曲是意大利传到台湾再传到大陆,在意大利并不走红,但在亚洲却非常火爆。 在百度视频搜索“企鹅舞”, 那个金发美女就是冰激凌。

Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left... Right...
Left Left Right Right
Left Left Right Right
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Jumping Grooving Dancing Everybody
Rooling Moving Singing Night&Day
Let\'s Fun Fun Together
Let\'s Play The Penguing\'s Games
Smacking Beating Clapping All Together
Rocking Bumping Screaming All Night Long
Let\'s Go Everybody
And Play Again This Song
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Jumping Grooving Dancing Everybody
Rooling Moving Singing Night&Day
Let\'s Fun Fun Together
Let\'s Play The Penguing\'s Games
Smacking Beating Clapping All Together
Rocking Bumping Screaming All Night Long
Let\'s Go Everybody
And Play Again This Song
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Jumping Grooving Dancing Everybody
Rooling Moving Singing Night&Day
Let\'s Fun Fun Together
Let\'s Play The Penguing\'s Games
Smacking Beating Clapping All Together
Rocking Bumping Screaming All Night Long
Let\'s Go Everybody
And Play Again This Song
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left Left Right Right
Go Turn Around
Go Go Go
Left... Right...
Left Left Right Right
Left Left Right Right
Go Go Go
