歌词开始How could this affect my life “这跟我有什么关系?” How could I affect the outcome “以我一己之力又能改变什么?” So why even try for what for what for what for what “所以何必那么拼命 何必 何必?” A coward can save the day 一个懦夫尚能力挽狂澜 When the bravest of men just stand by 然而所谓的勇者,却只敢站着袖手旁观 So easy to say so what so what so what 一句“那又怎样”,说得多么轻巧,多么漂亮 So what if we all stand up 可倘若我们都站起来,那会怎样 What if we don\'t give in 若我们都坚持到底,又会怎样 What if we traded all complacency for a voice that won\'t be ignored 如果我们用毫无意义的自满,换一声不容忽视的怒喝,那么又会怎样 How can we just give up 怎么能就这么放弃 How can we just give in 怎么可以就这么屈服 What if the silent majority wasn\'t silent anymore 会怎么样呢,当沉默的大多数,不再沉默下去? A candle\'s the smallest light 一根蜡烛,微不足道 But a handful becomes a lighthouse 一把蜡烛,则有如海面灯塔 Cutting the night for us for us for us for us 划破那漆黑夜空,为我们指明前路 The one with the loudest voice is rarely the one to follow 敢第一个发声的,才是难得一见的值得追随的人 Silence the noise so what so what so what 让叫嚷着“那又怎样”的胆小鬼们,统统噤声 So what if we all stand up 若我们都站出来会怎样 What if we don\'t give in 若我们谁都不屈服,又会怎样 What if we traded all complacency for a voice that won\'t be ignored 若我们放得下可笑的自满,吼一声不容忽视的怒喝,又会怎么样 How can we just give up 我们怎可以轻易放弃 How can we just give in 我们怎能随随便便就认输 What if the silent majority wasn\'t silent anymore 会怎么样,当沉默的大多数,不再继续沉默? Hurry up the world needs this 快,世界需要我们 Speak up now or we can pick up the pieces 勇敢发声,否则我们只能重蹈覆辙 Hurry up the world needs this 快点,世界需要变革 Speak up now or we can pick up the pieces 大胆站出来,经历无数次失败也绝不退缩 Hurry up the world needs this 别犹豫了,世界需要我们 Speak up now or we can pick up the pieces 站起身来,就算失败也要一次次卷土重来 What if we what if we what if we 如果,如果我们,如果我们能 So what if we all stand up 如果我们全都站出来 What if we don\'t give in 如果我们谁都不屈服 What if we traded all complacency for a voice that won\'t be ignored 如果我们用自满换一声怒喝,一声不容忽视的怒喝,那么会怎么样? How can we just give up 怎么能就这么放弃 How can we just give in 这么能就这样屈服 What if the silent majority wasn\'t silent anymore 会怎么样,当沉默的大多数,不再沉默下去? Hurry up the world needs this 快,世界正在等着 Hurry up the world needs this 快点,都站出来 The world needs this 别再沉默了 The world needs this 别再任人宰割 The world needs this 世界需要变革 The world needs this 世界需要我们 The world needs this 快,世界在等着歌词结束(DJ嗨嗨网)