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老鹰乐队联手环球再发新碟 续写世界摇滚神话,20首全新歌曲,Eagles将于本月三十日推出全新专辑《Long Road Out of Eden 》,这是他们自1979年的《The Long Run》大碟后28年来发布的首张完整的录音室专辑。专辑以非常具有环保意识的歌曲 “No More Walks In The Wood“ 揭开序幕,接着映入耳际的是曾为老鹰合唱团创作过畅销曲 “Best Of My Love“ 的摇滚歌手 J.D. Souther 在1974年所写的典型老鹰式民谣摇滚小品 “How Long“。由唐亨利与提摩西史密特携手共谱的 “Do Something“ 乍听之下是首描写男女之间情爱关係的浪漫情歌,但其实也表达了乐团对于週遭环境与时局的关心,而同样也是情歌曲式的作品 “Waiting In The Weeds“ 则是描述乐团成员如何在时间洪流中学会自我沉潜的过程。唐亨利与格林佛莱齐力打造的10分钟摇滚史诗大作 “Long Road Out Of Eden“ 则是从战争时局反讽人类文明的堕落,同时也感慨现代社会充满对立,譁众取宠的现象。另一首同样出自亨利与佛莱手笔的 “Frail Grasp On The Big Picture“ 直接重砲抨击「新闻精神沦丧」、「文化垃圾满天飞」的传媒乱象。乔华许不改摇滚老顽童玩乐性格,带来 “Guilty Of The Crime“、“Last Good Time In Town“ 这两首轻快风趣的摇滚劲作。专辑最末两首歌曲 “Center Of The Universe“、“It's Your World Now“ 是唐亨利与格林佛莱以身为人父的心情道出对下一代的关怀与期许。

It's not the first time

That I've had the sense that something's wrong

But I'm old enough to know

That things don't always work out like they should

I know you're tryin' hard

To break it gently to me now

But there's no easy way

To tell it like it is so baby

I don't want to hear any more

You don't need to tell me it's over

I've been here before

I've seen that look before

I know it well; it comes as no surprise

You've been avoiding me

But now you want to talk it over

Before you take my hand

And tell me softly in a whisper

There's no need to explain

I've read the book; I know how this all ends

I don't want to hear any more

You don't need to tell me it's over

I've been here before

I won't ask you to stay

I won't stand in your way

Look me right in the eyes

Let me walk away with my head high

If there's some other guy

I don't need to know why

But I don't want to hear any more

You don't need to tell me it's over

I've been here before

I won't ask you to stay

I won't stand in your way

And I don't want to hear any more

No no baby

I don't want to hear any more
