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《Don’t Know Much》这首歌是女歌手 Linda Ronstadt (琳达-罗恩施塔特)与黑人男歌手 Aaron Neville (阿伦-奈维尔)于1989年合作完成,是对唱情歌的经典,曾拿下当年抒情榜5周冠军,更获得了第32届格莱美最佳二重唱奖。

Don’t know much知道的不多

Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville琳達朗斯黛&艾倫納維爾

Look at this face 看著這張臉

I know the years are showing浮現著歲月的痕跡

Look at this life 看著人生

I still don’t know where it’s going我依然不知道將何去何從

I don’t know much 我知道的不多

But I know I love you但我知道我愛妳

That may be all I need to know那也許就是我所需要了解的事

Look at these eyes 看著這雙眼睛

They never seen what matters它們從未見過大風大浪

Look at these dreams 看看這些夢想

So beaten and so battered歷經太多的波折

I don’t know much 我知道的不多

But I know I love you但我知道我愛妳

That may be all I need to know那也許就是我所需要了解的事

So many questions still left unanswered太多的疑問仍然沒有得到答案

So much I’ve never broken through太多事情我未能克服

And when I feel you near me 當我感覺到你靠近我

Sometimes I see so clearly有時能看清一切

That only truth I’ll never know 我從未真正了解的

Is me and you就是你和我

Look at this man 看看這個男人

So blessed with inspiration被靈感庇佑著

Look at this soul 看看他的靈魂

Still searching for salvation依然在尋求救贖

I don’t know much 我知道的不多

But I know I love you但我知道我愛妳

That may be all I need to know那也許就是我所需要了解的事

I don’t know much我知道的不多

But I know I love you但我知道我愛妳

That may be all I need to know那也許就是我所需要了解的事

I don’t know much 我知道的不多

But I know I love you但我知道我愛妳

That may be all there is to know那也許就是我所需要了解的事
