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罗琳娜·麦肯尼特(Loreena Isabel Irene McKennitt,1957年2月17日-),出生于加拿大曼尼托巴省草原地区的一个小城镇(Modern)。她是加拿大著名的爱尔兰竖琴演奏家、键盘 手,以及歌手。以创作、表演凯尔特和中东风格音乐以及女高音演唱而闻名。
罗琳娜·麦肯尼特青年时代的梦想是成为一名兽医,并且最终进入温尼伯的一所大学就读相关课程。但是在80年,当Loreena 第一次接触到爱尔兰音乐时,她毅然放弃了学业,并且在81年搬到了安大略省的Stratford,加入了那里的莎士比亚艺术节的演出,从此开始了在乐坛 20余年的音乐生涯。
Loreena McKennitt是一位优秀的文学主义作者和演唱者,常年游历海外,经历了旅游航海中失去亲人的痛楚,开始改变自己的音乐风格,更加重了凯尔特元素和民 族音乐的质朴,把自己的文学内涵融入音乐中,体现出来的音乐优雅而丰富内涵,让人难以忘怀,曾有人这样形容她的词曲与演唱风格——\"象一首中世纪的长 诗\"。
一位Loreena McKennitt爱好者说:\"Loreena McKennitt是接触到的加拿大歌手之一,无法忘记她那种柔弱但是充满无限生机的声音,令我最终收集全了她所有的专辑。\"

when in the springtime of the year
when the trees are crowned with leaves
when the ash and oak and the birch and yew
are dressed in ribbons fair
when owls call the breathless moon
in the blue veil of the night
the shadows of the trees appear
amidst the lantern light
we\'ve been rambling all the night
and some time of this day
now returning back again
we bring a garland gay
who will go down to those shady groves
and summon the shadows there
and tie a ribbon on those sheltering arms
in the springtime of the year
the songs of birds seem to fill the wood
that when the fiddler plays
all their voices can be heard
long past their woodland days
and so they linked their hands and danced
round in circles and in rows
and so the journey of the night descends
when all the shades are gone
\"a garland gay we bring you here
and at your door we stand
it is a sprout well budded out
the work of our lord\'s hand\"
